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Whistleblowers better protected but public reporting still limited

16 April 2019
Whistleblowers better protected but public reporting still limited

The EBU welcomes the adoption of the Whistleblower Directive today by the European Parliament, following the trilogue agreement of last March.

The final text significantly improves the original Commission proposal; for instance, it removes the obligation for whistleblowers to use internal reporting channels first as a pre-requisite for protection. This is clear progress for whistleblowers.

The Directive however fails to recognize the public’s right to know as sufficient justification for public disclosure. As media services, we had called for the broadening of conditions for public disclosure, so that whistleblowers would feel free to turn to the media and inform citizens on matters of public interest

"While the whistleblower Directive clearly represents a positive outcome, the scope it offers for public disclosure falls short of what the EBU had hoped for. Much will depend on how the directive will be interpreted and implemented at national level." commented Nicola Frank, Head of European Affairs.

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