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EBU SkillsXchange unites young professionals to exchange ideas and inspiration

14 mars 2016
EBU SkillsXchange unites young professionals to exchange ideas and inspiration

A team of young radio professionals from throughout Europe have travelled to Radiodays Europe to share ideas, knowledge and experience as part of the EBU’s new SkillsXchange programme.

This is the second EBU SkillsXchange, following a successful launch at the Prix Italia in Turin last year. The EBU SkillsXchange is an Erasmus-style programme for young professionals working for public service broadcasters in Europe and beyond. Co-ordinated by the EBU Media Team, the SkillsXchange is a series of programme exchanges, events and an online forum designed to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and ideas.

Over 50 people from across Europe applied to be part of this year’s SkillsXchange which was organised in conjunction with EBU member Swedish Radio. The successful candidates - Nevena Kostadinovic (Radio Belgrade, Serbia), Alex Maximov (Czech Radio) and Samppa Rautio (Yle, Finland) – were chosen by a panel from EBU Media and Radiodays Europe.

At the conference, the participants will be sharing their views on the topics and discussions featured at Radiodays Europe and creating content for the website and blog. They will also be taking part in different networking sessions such as ‘The Fast and the Curious’ where they will share their views on the future of radio with experienced media professionals.

After the event, each participant will produce a review of the conference based on their learnings which will be available to all EBU members.

You can follow the work of the group using #SkillsXchange 

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Madiana Asseraf-Jacob

Head of Corporate Development and Strategic Initiatives

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