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EBU Head of Radio addresses WorldDAB Assembly

03 novembre 2015
EBU Head of Radio addresses WorldDAB Assembly

The EBU’s Head of Radio Graham Dixon has delivered a keynote speech at the WorldDAB General Assembly.

The event on 3 November brought together experts and stakeholders from the international digital radio broadcasting industry. 

In the speech Graham Dixon told delegates that: “Audiences are more demanding, encouraged by online usage and provision. To meet this need, and others we have not yet considered, the future is digital.”

“The challenge,” Dixon said, “is how to maintain listener loyalty during the transition to a digital environment, with all the increase in alternative media temptations and limited personal time.”

The EBU’s Head of Radio also discussed the move to more personalization in radio.

“Inevitably, audiences have been trained by their internet experience to challenge us with new demands, new expectations. They want to be served more personally, and they also want to know what they are listening to, rather than waiting until the end.  At the recent EBU New Radio Day in Latvia, we heard about systems being invented for skipping individual pieces, and then even resynchronising with the live channel.  People also, of course, and this is one of the joys of live radio, want surprises – there are very few of those, when you are playing your own favourites.” 

He also looked at the importance of digital for public service media (PSM).

“Universality is the ideal and also the aspiration. Apart from the necessity of serving the population in such a way as to enjoy public funding, it is important to ensure that the services are available to everyone, and available everywhere.”

The full speech is available here. You can follow Graham Dixon on twitter @gdixon.

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Edita Kudláčová

Responsable Radio et Musique

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