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European Media Freedom Act: The EBU’s response to the public consultation

23 March 2022
EU flags at the European Commission Berlaymont building

As the European Commission prepares its European Media Freedom Act, the EBU has submitted its input to the public consultation.

We share the Commission’s concerns that levels of democracy have declined in Europe over the past years. With that, freedom of expression and of the media have suffered. In parallel, global online platforms have entered the market and significantly influence how information can be accessed and how opinions are formed. Any threat to the independence and availability of media - whether via governmental interference, intimidation of journalists, lack of transparency in for example ownership structures, commercial pressure or abusive gatekeeping power - upsets the overall state of media freedom and pluralism in Europe.

Therefore, we welcome the Commission’s initiative and support its overall goal of securing and supporting independence and pluralism of the media in Europe. Our submission makes the case for comprehensive and principle-based EU action, which respects the delicate balance between single market objectives and the importance of national competencies to shape specific media pluralism and independence, social and cultural issues.

Download our position paper in response to the public consultation on the right.

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