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Euroradio broadcaster marks a half-century of promoting culture

27 April 2017
Euroradio broadcaster marks a half-century of promoting culture
Peter Klein, Ö1 Programme Director; Monika Eigensperger, ORF Radio Director; Michael Ladstätter, Head of Ö1 Marketing (Photo: ORF)

EBU Member ORF boasts one of the most successful culture radio channels in Europe which celebrates its 50th anniversary on 1 October. To mark the anniversary, starting on 1 May, Ö1 will inaugurate its new programme grid, and the graphic design will also be revamped, including the website and a new logo (pictured).

ORF says Ö1 owes its outstanding performance over the last 50 years not only to the continuous development of its strengths – reliable news, educational, artistic and cultural programming, comprehensive range of services – but also to a clearly defined branding policy.

Monika Eigensperger, ORF Radio Director, says: “With this year’s anniversary, we are celebrating 50 creative years. Radio is a modern, innovative and dialogue-oriented medium, and Ö1 constitutes a wonderful example of all that.” Peter Klein, Ö1 Programme Director, adds: "From time to time, adjustments must be made to adapt to audience needs and listening habits as well as to fulfil our PSM remit even better.”

The culture station will mark the actual anniversary date on 1 October with new signature tunes, composed by Christian Muthspiel and mostly recorded by the ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra of Vienna.


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Ö1 website