Home Events EBU Children & Youth Meetings 2017
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EBU Children & Youth Meetings 2017

BBCMediaCity UK

The 2017 EBU Children and Youth event will take as from Monday 4 December in Manchester at the kind invitation of CBBC & CBEEBIES. A full range of promising meetings and fruitful discussions will animate the BBC Media City Headquarters. Be part of this exciting event! 

Monday 4 December

EBU Children & Youth Experts Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is a unique event that gives Members the chance to increase their knowledge, to share content and best practice, and to discuss ways of collaborating. This year's event will focus on the way to make sure our content reaches our audience when an increasing number of kids are curating their own content. The agenda will as well address the vital theme of Digital Resilience in a world where bad news and hugely impactful images often come unfiltered in a way which makes them very hard for children to process. This meeting will also address how organizational change is affecting more and more public broadcasters (and in particular Children’s departments) and how they deal and cope with their new working environment. This packed day will end with an inspiring screening of EBU Members innovative formats as indeed, Public Broadcasters need to be more innovative than ever before in a world where children are finding and selecting what they like on a variety of devices and platforms. 
EBU contact: Anne Grosser Kornmann, kornmann@ebu.ch

EBU Children's Drama & Documentary Series

This day (and meetings) is the opportunity for all commissioners, producers and directors having contributed to the 2017 drama and/or documentary series to come together to screen and discuss all the finished films produced over the past year. This annual gathering is the place where all representatives of the participating countries/members exchange ideas, best practices, changes and improvements and also select the films to be broadcast nationally in the years to come. These meetings are also opened to members broadcasters not yet participating into the series but curious to know more in order to possibly join these exchanges in the future.
Find out more about the Eurovision Children's Drama Series and the Eurovision Children's Documentary Series
EBU contact: Karen Simha, simha@ebu.ch

Pre-school Documentary Series

"This is me" is a brand new documentary series for pre-schoolers. Together with BBC, NRK, KRO-NRCV, RTE, RTVSLO and ZDF we developed and produced a pilot series which now will be presented in Manchester. This series focuses on real-life stories of children between 4–6 years. They show us the world from their point of view in an emotional way and invite us to share the joy of their everyday lives and challenges. The production follows the model 'make one, take all', which means that each broadcaster delivers one episode of 5-7- minutes and receives the others for free. The screening is open for everybody who is interest in preschool content and potential partners for future productions.
EBU contact: Jens Ripke, ripke@ebu.ch


Thursday 7 and Friday 8 December

EBU Youth News Exchange Annual Meeting

The Eurovision Youth News Exchange (YNE) is a daily multi-lateral exchange of news items for children's' news programmes and magazines. The Children News Editors gather once a year to discuss best practices and testing new ways of producing and making news accessible to young audiences. This year, the Children News Experts will reflect on the major issue “Do we have to cover every terrorist attack” as children around the world are reporting heightened level of anxiety about their personal lives. They will address their biggest issues to their peers in order to find solutions to recurrent problems they encounter, ie: how to make boring news engaging for kids? How to cover hard news in another way? How to be present all day on all platforms? Etc.
YNE experts will also update each other on their newest developments (Apps, Insta-stories, YouTube, News quiz, etc.) and screen each others’ best 2017 news items in order to elect their favourite in the YNE Award session.
EBU contact: Anne Grosser Kornmann, kornmann@ebu.ch

Registration information 

If you would like to attend any of these meetings please contact Karen Simha (simha@ebu.ch) and Anne Grosser Kornmann (kornmann@ebu.ch). Please also note that the access is limited to EBU Members only and to special guests upon invitation.

These EBU Children Meetings are taking place in the same time frame as the Children’s Global Media Summit - Preliminary programme

A 10% discount has been organized for EBU members who wish to register to this event. Please use the code ‘EBU10’ until 15th November 2017.


Holiday Inn Manchester MediaCityUK (reservations@himediacityuk.co.uk) - the closest hotel to the venue
Premier Inn Manchester Salford Media City Hotel


BBCMediacity UK
The Quays
Salford M50 2LH
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