Home Events Lunchtime Talk: Contributions of public service media in tackling the refugee crisis
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Lunchtime Talk: Contributions of public service media in tackling the refugee crisis

Our Lunchtime Talk for media will address how public service media (PSM) organizations in Europe are unrolling targeted services via TV, radio and online programmes to contribute in a positive way to the refugee crisis.

This is a two-sided coin: on the one hand, newly-arrived refuges and asylum seekers need appropriate answers to a host of basic questions when arriving in a host country. On the other hand, local residents need to be given the means to better understand the stories behind the plight of refugees. Informing both sides with relevant programmes and services can play an essential role for social cohesion.

We invite to see for yourself how PSM are working on this subject. Guest-speakers from our member organizations – in Greece, Germany and Sweden – have been invited to show how they are developing dedicated portals to help both refugees and local populations deal with new and potentially complicated situations brought by the recent developments.

We also want to open the floor to discuss these initiatives with the European Commission and see where there may be room for improvement and further action.


Our speakers are:

  • Isabelle Schayani, ARD (Germany)
  • Vasilis Vasilopoulos, ERT (Greece)
  • Firas S. Jonblat & Rafa Almasri, SR (Sweden)
  • May-Ann Ramsay, Senior Expert, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission

To register, please write to Tine Dupré, dupre@ebu.ch, before Monday 25 April 2016.


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56 avenue des Arts
1000 Brussels